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ILLAX / Physical and Chemical Properties - Introduction | Tubes | Properties -
Semi-Neutral Amber 7.8

Physical Data
Mean coefficient of linear expansion a20/300 acc. to DIN 52328 7.8 · 10-6 K-1
Transformation temperature Tg 535 ºC
Temperature fixed points at viscosity h in dPa · s:
               1013 upper annealing point 540 ºC
               107.6 softening point 720 ºC
               104 working point 1050 ºC
Density r 2.50 g · cm-3

Resistance to Thermal Shock
Resistance to thermal shock is not an exact, by defined physical quantity (for more details see ISO 718); it depends on the measuring method, the shape, the wall thickness and the surface and end properties of the glass object in question. Rapid temperature changes cause high temporary stress in the glass, meaning that rapid cooling processes are very dangerous, since in this case a thin outer layer of the glass is placed under tensile stress over the still hot inner core. Glass is much more susceptible to tensile stress than to compressive stress.
The following graph shows the resistance to thermal shock of the tubes Duran, Durobax, Fiolax Clear, Fiolax Amber, Illax and AR-Glas:
Resistance to Thermal Shock

Chemical Composition (main components in approx. weight %)
SiO2 B2O3 Al2O3 Fe2O3 Na2O K2O BaO CaO MnO2
67 5 7 2 12 1 < 0,5 1 5

Chemical Data
Hydrolytic Class (ISO 719) HGB 2
      according Ph. Eur. Tipo III
      according USP 25 Tipo III
Acid Class (DIN 12 116) Clase S 2
Alkali Class (ISO 695) Clase A 2

Illax Transmission
Longitud de onda: Wavelength

Different Types of Tubing Ends
* Standard:
    Densocan = closed tubing
* other end variations:
    Open tubing
  - Fusing Thickness
    Vial fusing: 0,15 mm
  - Tubing ends drawn in Fusing thickness:
    smallest inside diameter: approx. 2/3 of OD (Outside Diameter)
Other types of tubing ends are possible upon request.

VIDRASA, Vidrio en Tubo y Varilla, S.A.
C/ Molí d'en Xec, 41 (Nave 20) / Pol. Ind. Molí d'en Xec
08291 Ripollet (Barcelona) / Spain
Tel: +34 933 524 959